Saturday, March 16, 2013

Action Research Plan - Revision 1

I'm glad I called that last post a "draft"!  I decided to number my revised plans because I'm sure there will be more and I needed a way to help me keep things straight.  Struggling a bit with that for this class!

Action Planning Template
Goal:  To increase level of implementation of the PBIS program at the junior high school and positively impact student discipline (specific attention to Special Education students)
Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources
Meet with site supervisor to identify needs and develop action research plan

Elizabeth Reavis
Angie Gutsch
March 2013
Develop teacher survey to evaluate understanding/buy-in of PBIS program at the Junior High and school climate.

Elizabeth Reavis
Campus admin
Campus PBIS team
March 2013/
April 2013
Teacher Survey Draft
Meet with site supervisor to gain approval/revision of teacher survey

Elizabeth Reavis
April 2013
Teacher Survey Draft
Final Teacher Survey
Review literature to gain insight into full implementation of PBIS, tips for success, and results of a fully implemented program
Elizabeth Reavis
March 2013/
March 2014
Current PBIS literature
PBIS Program Manuals (years 1-3)
Recap of findings
Meet with Junior High teachers to explain project and request and survey participation

Elizabeth Reavis
May 2013/
May 2014
Teacher Survey
JH Staff Meeting
Completed Surveys
Collect Teacher Survey data and evaluate results

Elizabeth Reavis
May 2013/
May 2014
Completed Teacher Surveys
Survey results spreadsheet
Meet with site supervisor and campus principal to develop action plan to address immediate concerns if needed
Elizabeth Reavis
Angie Gutsch
June 2013
Survey results spreadsheet
Action plan to address immediate concerns
Share survey data and interim action plan with JH staff and administration
Elizabeth Reavis
Angie Gutsch
Campus  Admin & Staff
August 2013
Interim action plan
Staff Development Materials Agenda
sheet & Agenda for staff development
Collect 7th grade student discipline data for SY 2013 and SY2014 (8th grade).
Evaluate data that includes sub-group (Sp Ed)

Elizabeth Reavis
June 2013/
Jan 2014/
June 2014
Student discipline reports
PBIS Team discipline data
Discipline data spreadsheet
Compare SY 2013 and SY 2014 data (Teacher Survey and Student Discipline)

Elizabeth Reavis
June 2014
Survey spreadsheet
Discipline data spreadsheet
Final results report
Collaborate with site supervisor to review data and literature
Develop plan for increased implementation/student success

Elizabeth Reavis
June 2014
Final results report
Recap of findings
Staff development plan for PBIS for SY 2015
Repeat data collection & analyzing each year to continually evaluate PBIS program, and identify and address concerns
Elizabeth Reavis
Campus Admin
Student discipline reports
PBIS Team discipline data
Teacher survey data
Staff development logs
PBIS team training



  1. Elizabeth,

    Your action research plan is very detailed. Great job! It looks like you included every single step you will be taking.

    Are you going to create a PowerPoint when you review the data with your site supervisor? If so, I would include that in your plan.

    Overall, great job and good luck!

  2. Great job Elizabeth! This plan looks great! I love that you are spending time trying to promote buy-in among the teachers in the junior high. I know that without teacher support, PBIS cannot effectively be implemented. Personally, I am a huge fan of PBIS and have been able to see great gains made in two different school districts in my region. One of my best friends is a behavior specialist for Big Thicket Coop., and she swears by PBIS! If you need anything throughout your journey, please let me know! I look forward to learning about your research!!!

    1. Thanks so much Bridget! I may be calling on you when I start my research.

  3. Nice action plan Elizabeth it looks really great! Anything to positively impact student discipline is well worth it. Your plan is very interesting and I look forward to following it.

  4. Nice job, very detailed! I am not familiar with PBIS, but I am looking forward to finding out.

  5. You are very detailed Elizabeth and I love that. I wanted to explore in special education and with your research it would help me a lot and learn more. Please keep us updated.

  6. Looks great. Will we still be in the program in June 2014 though?

    1. I sure hope not! Even though I may not be completely finished with the project, I have built in a step to make some immediate changes should that be necessary. I hope that will be okay. Anyone else have any ideas on whether we must be completely finished by the time we graduate?

  7. I agree with Bridget, getting the other staff members to buy in to the program is a big hurdle. Luckily like you, I believe the data collected will be proof enough for the other teachers to buy in to your program.

  8. Your plan looks great. The only thing I can recommend to add is professional development on different discipline techniques in case the PBIS is not successful or you need to make changes.
